
25.10.24, 19:00 Yunashki salon Muzotanz Dance Company

Dance: Ina Gerginova, Mariana Kapustyanova, Nikolay Raychev and Silvia Cherneva
Voice and Live Music: Alexander Evtimov-Shamanchetto

Produced by Muzotanz Dance Company

Danceperimental (the newest format of the Muzotanz Dance Company) is an interactive dance performance that engages the audience in co-creation. The boundary between artists and audience is broken down by an old telephone, which challenges the audience to participate in the creation of the performance with their personal stories. The dance and music are entirely improvised, born in the moment, in and from the audience’s presence, and inspired by their sharing.

Danceperimental is a shared dream, saturated with metaphors and abstractions, in which everyone can find themselves. A magic mirror through which we exchange our eyes and destinies and briefly – together create a better version of the world… we see real.


Photos by Yakov Yakushevsky

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